There's selfish, and then there's selfish.

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There's selfish. And then there's this.

There's good selfish and there's bad selfish.

Getting cold feet about your wedding, and cancelling it at the last minute, even though you are inconveniencing hundreds of people and dozens of attendants, all of whom have probably already spent a bundle of money on gifts, clothes, travel arrangements, etc., is good selfish. It's good because you should never enter into a marriage that you are not 100% sure about, no matter what the circumstances.

Getting cold feet about your wedding, and disappearing unexpectedly, making it appear as if you'd been abducted, causing panic not only in your family but in your community and sparking a massive manhunt, is bad selfish. It's bad because -- well that's pretty much self explanatory, isn't it?


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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on April 30, 2005 10:31 PM.

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