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July 04, 2005

Are all clowns idiots?

Or just the ones in the UA Fourth of July parade?

My girls are afraid of clowns. Why? I have no idea. It must be something you are either born with or not -- I had a friend in high school who was deathly afraid of clowns; I just don't get it. Anyway.

So my wife and I were on clown patrol. Sitting on the curb with the girls watching the parade, we had to be on guard for approaching clowns so that we could evacuate the girls to a safe distance if need be.

Well, sure enough, along comes a clown with one of those monkey puppets. We saw the clown way ahead of time, and pointed it out to the girls, and I took them back about 20 or thirty feet from the curb, where they stood clutching my legs.

And the clown, seeing the girls had retreated some distance away, seeing the girls clear up in the yard clutching my leg, LEAVES THE PARADE ROUTE to come see the girls!! So now the girls are hysterical, because there is a clown hunting them down. Luckily, my wife had stayed at the curb, and was able to stop the clown before she got too far. And the clown says, "but I thought they'd like the monkey."

Yea, maybe they would. Except for the clown with her hand up its ass!!

A little commonsense. That's all I'm asking for. Is that asking too much?

Posted by Scott on July 4, 2005 11:10 AM

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