Byron York gives aid and comfort to the left

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Byron York recently criticized Bush's five week "vacation" in Crawford, saying that politically, at least, it's too long. But I have to disagree. I think he's way of the mark in his criticism of Bush's sojourn in Crawford.

York says:

Even given the wonders of modern communications which allow him to stay in touch with virtually everyone virtually all the time, does the president really need to spend five weeks of the summer based at his home in Crawford?

But it is exactly because of the modern wonders of communication that the President can and should, if he pleases, spend five weeks in Crawford. I, for one, like a President that hates Washington and can't wait to leave. Aside from appearances (i.e. political ramifications), I can't think of, and York doesn't suggest, any detriment to his ability to fulfill his duties. Who cares where he does it from, other than the liberal MSM and its fans on the left?

York says there is "no doubt," but I would counter that there is "no evidence" that even from a political and communications standpoint, the President would be in a better position to deal with the various August happenings this year if he were in Washington. But York already conceded that communications-wise there's no disability inherent in being in Crawford. (See quote above). And policitically, if he wasn't in Crawford, the MSM, etc. would just find some other angle to attack the President. The picture York incongruously attached to his post is the case in point. It's being trumpted by Bush-haters as another example of Bush being out of touch -- playfully playing he guitar while Katrina ravaged the Gulf coast. But whether he flew to California from Crawford or from Washington makes no difference to the left's idea that Bush was callously indifferent to the suffering of the victims of Katrina. (And of course, the idea itself is ridiculous - the President is the President to the people of all 50 states. The idea that he should adopt some somber affect in light of the tragedy on the Gulf coast is ridiculous. Of course he's been effected by the tragedy. But he wouldn't be much of a leader if it paralyzed him.)

Why provide the left the aid and comfort of the imprimatur of an NR columnist for their pernicious meme that Bush is somehow failing as President for wanting to live away from Washington while fulfilling his constitutional duties? Bush's choice to sleep in Crawford has had no demonstrable effect on his ability to do the job that we entrusted to him.

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on August 31, 2005 2:14 PM.

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