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On the way home from work today, I saw a lovely young lady in front of me driving a Toyota Celica with two bumper stickers:

Save the environment - Plant a Bush back in Texas.

Cute. And...

When in doubt, start a war.

Not cute, and facile to boot.

Those kinds of bumper stickers make me want to interview the driver.

Me: Why do you think we are at war?

Driver: Well, the war is just about oil.

Me: How do you feel about oil exploration in ANWR?

Driver: I'm against it. It destroys the environment.

Me: How do you feel about nuclear power?

Driver: I'm against it. It destroys the environment.

Me: O.k. Then shut the hell up, please. And while you're at it, why not do your part and get yourself a Prius?

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on August 1, 2005 6:25 PM.

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