Bush doesn't care about black people

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I love the new "Bush doesn't care about black people" t-shirt. An instant classic! I think that is one of those things that will be taken up by both sides.

For example, when I was a wee freshman in college in 1987, I had a poster of a map of the world on my wall entitled "The World According to Ronald Reagan." To give you a flavor for the map, my favorite part was a designation for a group of islands in the New Zealand neighborhood that said, "Palestinian Homeland.")

I had it hanging because I thought it was hilarious in its absurdity. I don't think I realized that I was mocking people who actually believed in it until I saw it hanging in the dorm room of a flaming liberal lefty Geraldine Ferraro wannabe. (She was the perfect caricature of her type - she decried elitism while living in the "honors" dorm. Cute, though. But I digress.)

So too, I think, will W supporters and Air America denizens alike be sporting this t-shirt.

Hat tip: Jonah.

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on September 12, 2005 2:41 PM.

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