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February 15, 2006

Cheney's silence: Isn't it obvious?

This seems to be a classic Rove maneuver: stay silent for as long as it takes the democrats and their liberal media lapdogs to work themselves into a maniacal lather, wait for the crescendo, then have Cheney deliver a public beat-down.

Mark my words: He'll come out and personalize it, which is to say, explain that this was a personal tragedy between two men - a horrible accident that everyone truly regrets. Then, without even a hint of defensiveness, he will rip into the critics on the left and in the media who would rather politicize this than recognize it for the deeply personal and private tragedy that it is.

Cheney will come out of this looking more human than ever, and will indeed get a bump in the polls.

You heard it here first.

Posted by Scott on February 15, 2006 10:35 AM

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