And while I'm on the subject......

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The latest argument against the President that's currently in vogue is the idea that we didn't do enough in Afganistan. That Iraq distracted from finishing the job in Afganistan. That because we changed our focus to Iraq so quickly, that the Taliban has been able to regain a foothold in Afganistan.

So tell me this. When was the last time a significant Al Queda operative was captured or killed in Afganistan?

Many people think that Osama is dead; those who think he's still alive say he's a lot of places, but not Afganistan. We bagged some of his cohorts in Pakistan, and bodybagged more than a few in Iraq. But we haven't found any in Afganistan. Why is that? Perhaps because we satisfied our objective in Afganistan, and it is now only marginally important to the war on terror?

We went to Afganistan because it was a haven for terrorists and OSB. Now it no longer is. Sounds like Mission Accomplished to me.

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on September 26, 2006 9:24 AM.

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