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The Hotline blog highlights this exhange between Barack Obama and George Stephanopolous:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You've also said that with Social Security, everything should be on the table.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Raising the retirement age?

OBAMA: Everything should be on the table.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Raising payroll taxes?

OBAMA: Everything should be on the table. I think we should
approach it the same way Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan did back in
1983. They came together. I don't want to lay out my preferences
beforehand, but what I know is that Social Security is solvable. It
is not as difficult a problem as we're going to have with Medicaid and

STEPHANOPOULOS: Partial privatization?

OBAMA: Privatization is not something that I would consider....

So everything should be on the table except the stuff that I don't want to be on the table. Idiot. Why is this lightweight even being humored with support in the polls?

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on May 16, 2007 4:55 PM.

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