I couldn't agree more.....

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Rich Lowry:

I really don't know who to root for in the Democratic race. I'm obviously with all those complaining about Obama's messianism. And I agree with my friend Peter Feld who had this excellent piece in the New York Post yesterday pointing out how candidates elected on soaring, unrealistic promises of change usually have trouble governing once they are in office (e.g. Deval Patrick, Jimmy Carter). There is a grounding and a realism to Hillary that I have found appealing. I still remember what she said in reply to Obama in some debate long ago: the day after the election later this year, everyone is going to still believe everything they did they day before, i.e. everyone isn't suddenly going to agree with Obama's liberalism. That's exactly right. Plus, I sympathize with Hillary's lunch-bucket constituency (former constituency?) more than Obama's upscale liberals. Yet the Clintons have been simply repellent on the campaign trail, and Obama has run an honorable campaign and is a genuinely likable and talented guy. So I was delighted as Obama's lead grew and grew to 17 points last night, at the same time I was cheered back in January by Hillary's puncturing of the insufferable Obama hype in New Hampshire. At this point, I guess I could welcome anything: an Obama steam-roller through Texas and Ohio that ends the House of Clinton with a bang, or a Hillary comeback that pricks the ridiculous Obama bubble and draws out the race. There's nothing to do but sit back and enjoy.

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