First vote fails

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Some 40,000 people who packed St. Peter’s Square to stare at the stovepipe jutting from the chapel roof shouted, “It’s black! It’s black!” Many snapped photos of the moment.

O.k. Seriously. 40,000 people? I completely understand the outpouring of emotion following JPII's death. And trust me when I tell you I understand people's need to travel to Rome for the public viewing and for the funeral.

But to watch a chimney? What's the point of that? Are there really 40,000 people who have nothing better to do? And let's face it - they might see the white smoke first, and hear the bells before the rest of us know about a successful vote, but those of us watching on the web are going to know who it is first. And isn't that the most important part?

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This page contains a single entry by Scott published on April 18, 2005 3:54 PM.

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