News Report: No news to report about "Arrested Development"

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What exactly is the point of this article about Arrested Development? There's absolutely no news in it. It may be cancelled and it may not be. Which fans have known for a loooong time.

The article basically devolves into a summary of the season (or series? STAY TUNED! You won't find out here...) finale. Which is a bit odd for an AP report. Do all series season finales get AP write ups?

It wouldn't even have perturbed me except for this nugget at the end:

Sunday's half-hour ended with scenes from the next episode, the one that would open the fall season. Devotees can only hope the optimism isn't misguided.

First, any regular watcher of the show can tell you that the "scenes from the next episode" are fake. Always.

Second,"misguided optimism"? Is that even possible? It's OPTIMISM - by its very nature wishful thinking. Hope. Optimism. How can it be misguided? I suppose if its based upon incorrect facts or false impressions, it could be misguided, maybe. But the article doesn't give any evidence that there has been any indication in either direction about the fate of the show. So why call the shows producers misguided? That's just stupid.

Especially since the previews of the next episode aren't really previews of the next show, you idiot.

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